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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Chord. Tampilkan semua postingan


Gitar Chord G

Gitar Chord G

G Chord Jguitar Com This was an introduction about chords in open g tuning. this video could be recommended if you want to learn more ch...
Guitar Chord Easy F

Guitar Chord Easy F

The f guitar chord is notoriously difficult for beginner guitarists. in this free lesson you will learn: how to play the f guitar chord cor...
Gitar Chord E7

Gitar Chord E7

Guitar e7 chord guitar chord. C f e7 am. theory and information comments. e7/g (xxx130) is an e dominant 7th with g in the bass and with a...
F Simple Chord

F Simple Chord

blues scale and you’ll have the notes f, a, b, c, c and e now you’ve got another blues scale to play over an a chord ! it’s that simple, a...
Chord F The

Chord F The

The easy f chord starts with your index finger on the 1st fret of the 2nd string. then use your middle finger on the 2nd fret of the 3rd str...
Chord Way Easy Play B To

Chord Way Easy Play B To

4 Easy Ways To Play The Bm Guitar Chord The b major guitar chord is one of a handful of commonly used chords that doesn't quite fit th...
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